About our Worship, including Service Times, Church locations, Pew Sheet and recordings of past services
Welcome to the website of the Anglican Parish of Moe/Newborough
We acknowledge the First Nations people of this region as the traditional custodians of the land on which this Parish and the Diocese of Gippsland serves.
We are committed to ensuring our centres of worship and outreach are safe places for all.
111 Torres St, Newborough
5pm Crib Service
7pm Christmas Eucharist
Canon John Morgan
9.30am Christmas Eucharist
Rev’d Bruce Charles
We pray that all who visit this site will have a wonderful and happy Christmas and that the New Year will be blessed for all whom you share life with as we pray this for you, we pray the same for every human being and the whole of creation
This Week
The Third Sunday in Advent
9.30am Parish Prayer Time
10am Holy Communion
at St Aidan’s Newborough
Celebrant: Rev’d Bruce Charles
Monday 16th December
7pm Newborough Combine Churches Ecumenical Advent Service, St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church.
Monash Rd, Newborough
Tuesday 17th December
10am – 2pm Anglicare Get out for Good Program at MVC
Wednesday 18th December
10am Holy Communion at St Luke’s
Friday 20th December
Listening Post Drop In Centre
10am to 12pm MV Centre (Back of 7 Anzac St, Moe)
Christmas Break up. Please feel free to join our celebrations.
Working Bee to spring clean church and surrounds from 10am.
Next Sunday 22nd December
10am Holy Communion
at St Aidan’s Newborough
Celebrant: Canon David Head
Micah 5: 2-5, Magnificat (P 9 APBA)
Hebrews 10: 5-10, Luke: 1: 39-45